• 2024 GCIT Admission, Interview Schedule for 1st-Round International Applications

Notes 注意事項 :
1.Registration Date and Time: It starts at 09:20 AM, November 18th, 2023 (Saturday). Please arrive or log in at least 10 minutes (for onsite interview) / 2 minutes (for online interview) before your interview time to complete the registration procedures. 報到日期及時間:2023年11月18日(星期六)上午九時二十分,請考生依個人面試時間十分鐘(現場面試)/ 兩分鐘(線上面試)前完成報到手續。
2.Registration Venue: Room 403, 4th Floor, Dayong Building, Chengchi University. 報到地點:政治大學大勇樓四樓403研討室。 Online Interview link 線上面試連結: https://meet.google.com/ggz-zymu-smx
3.Candidates should bring photo identification documents (both onsite and online) for verification. Candidates who exceed the personal interview time will not be allowed to enter and will be disqualified.考生請攜帶有照片之身份證明文件備查, 準時報到,如超過考生個人面試時間不得入場,並取消應考資格。
4.Contact Persons 聯絡人: Audrey Chen 陳得貞/ Myrtle Ma 馬婷婷
(1) Contact Number 聯絡號碼: 0936 - 969276 (公務機)
(2) Email: gcit@nccu.edu.tw、audreyinart@gmail.com、myrtlema@g.nccu.edu.tw

5. Please reply to the confirmation email: by 09:00 AM (Taiwan time) on November 17 whether you'll participate in the interview or not. If you miss the interview without prior notice of an acceptable reason, it will be considered to be giving up to proceed with the application review.

6. We will schedule a test session for the online equipment on November 17 (the day before the scheduled interview) between 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM (Taiwan time, GMT+8). Please indicate in the confirmation email whether you will log in for the test. If you decide not to participate in the test session, please bear in mind you shall be responsible for any equipment or connection problems occurring during the interview on your side.
 我們將於11月17日(面試前一天)下午5:00 至 6:00(台灣時間,GMT+8)安排線上設備測試。 請在確認電子郵件中回覆您是否參加線上設備測試。 如果您決定不參加測試,面試期間發生的任何設備或連接問題將由參加者自行承擔。

7. Same Google Meet Link: (https://meet.google.com/ggz-zymu-smx)
(1) For 05:00 - 06:00 PM on Nov 17 - connection test 線上設備測試.
(2) For 09:30 - 11:30 AM on Nov 18 - interview, please log in according to your time slot 請參考時間表依各自時間出席面試.

Please do not hesitate to contact GCIT office if you have any questions. Good luck with your interview!

如果您有任何疑問,請隨時與 GCIT 辦公室聯繫。祝您面試順利!


  • Interview location map 面試地點